2012 by Elena Arkhipova) Look at the year

Hello, my dear friends. I am sorry that I was not able to speak with you for almost two weeks – too much work and finals at college and university. Currently, I am in the mood of deep thinking, and passionately trying to define my plans for the next year. Yet 2012 year was for me a very important one. Let’s take a look together what I have done for the all 12 mounts of the 2012. 

December – beginning of the classes at university and college. First few dresses made on the simple sewing machine ( about $40). I started my fashion blogs (FashionStyle&Beauty and this one)
March, April – I did pictures of my dresses, where I was a model)
May – first ever fashion show at UfA where I presented my dresses. My dear friends helped me to put show together and they were my models as well.
June – began preparation to Little Rock Fashion Week 2012. Made designs of nine looks of my fall fashion collection NINA (which I referred to my mum as my inspiration of a strong and confident woman). First casting of my models and fitting in Little Rock.
July – LRFW 2012 where I presented my brand and first ever fashion collection NINA, season fall 2012.
August – Fashion Show at the local boutique The Dressing Room, Fayetteville.
September – 2d Fashion Show at the Dressing Room with the demonstration of my fall collection NINA.
October - Participation in Northwest Arkansas International Festival.
November – did professional photo shots of my collection for the lookbook of my line.
December …

Now... I am making new plans.
I want to develop my brand into a strong and commercially successful company. I believe in my talent and my fortune. All I need is the right moment of the time,  and right people around who supports me, are you? I promise to myself work harder in next year in order to achieve my goals and be more open-minded to any chances that the life gives me. I am truly thankful to my friends who were nearby me and gave me courage to continue my way despite on any hard moments in my life.
To be continued…)) I promise!


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